Buscan al sospechoso de matar a un trabajador de la construcción durante un presunto intento de robo

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

Buscan al sospechoso de matar a un trabajador de la construcción durante un presunto intento de robo Un trabajador de la construcción murió baleado en un presunto intento de robo en el campus de Howard University en el noroeste de DC la mañana del jueves, según las autoridades. Aún buscan al sospechoso y un vehículo de interés. El fallecido es Rafael Adolfo Gómez,  de 34 años y residente de Beltsville, Maryland, informó la policía.La víctima era un trabajador de la construcción que fue herido de bala apenas llegaba para su jornada a las 6 a.m., dijo el presidente de la universidad, Wayne A. I. Frederick en una carta para la comunidad. Dijo que la víctima era un “esposo, padre y amigo”. “Me uno a la comunidad del campus para ofrecer mis más sinceras condolencias a la familia y a todos los que lloran esta tragedia”, dijo Frederick.La víctima trabajaba para un contratista en un proyecto de planta de energía de vapor en el campus. Le dispararon en la cuadra 600 de Bryant Street NW alrededor de las 6 a.m., de acuerdo a la policía.“Me llamó y me dijo: ‘Mi amor, acabo...

China’s economy grew 6.3% in the second quarter, lower than expected as momentum slows

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

China’s economy grew 6.3% in the second quarter, lower than expected as momentum slows Visitors look at excavated figures on display at the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor Qin Shihuang in Xi'an in northwestern China's Shaanxi Province, Sunday, July 16, 2023. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)(AP/Mark Schiefelbein) Visitors look at excavated figures on display at the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor Qin Shihuang in Xi'an in northwestern China's Shaanxi Province, Sunday, July 16, 2023. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)(AP/Mark Schiefelbein) BEIJING (AP) — China’s economy grew 6.3% in the second quarter of the year after near-stagnant growth a year earlier, missing analyst expectations even as momentum is expected to weaken in the coming quarters.The 6.3% growth in China’s g...

Pese a nuevas restricciones: caravana de migrantes venezolanos parte desde México

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

Pese a nuevas restricciones: caravana de migrantes venezolanos parte desde México TAPACHULA, México- Una primera caravana de cerca de 1,000 migrantes venezolanos salió desde Ciudad Hidalgo, en Chiapas, sur de México, con destino a Estados Unidos, en busca de trabajo y mejores condiciones de vida, a pesar de las nuevas restricciones migratorias en ese país.Esta es la primera caravana de migrantes de este país que ingresó de manera irregular en este año por la frontera mexicana con Guatemala, quienes llegaron a Tapachula ubicado, a unas 23 millas de la línea fronteriza, para descansar y luego continuar su recorrido.Al frente de la caravana, un grupo de migrantes mostraban una manta en la que se leía “S.O.S, Libertad y paz”, mientras mantenían la caminata por la frontera sur de México.En este grupo viaja el venezolano Miguel Garrido, quien dijo a EFE que su propósito es poder llegar a EEUU. Muere adolescente migrante en custodia federal; tenía leucemia Paso a paso: así es el proceso con el que 100,000 migrantes po...

Antoine Pellion : ‘La bonne nouvelle, c’est qu’il y a un plan’

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

Antoine Pellion : ‘La bonne nouvelle, c’est qu’il y a un plan’ PARIS — C’est ce lundi qu’Emmanuel Macron aurait dû présenter son grand projet de planification pour la transition écologique. Enfin, peut-être… ou peut-être pas. Difficile d’en avoir le cœur net, à dire vrai.Antoine Pellion, secrétaire général à la planification écologique (SGPE) depuis un an et coordinateur en chef du chantier, avait lui-même annoncé la date dans une rare intervention médiatique sur France Inter, samedi 8 juillet. Mais l’Elysée affirme depuis qu’elle n’avait jamais été “confirmée.”Un étrange hiatus. Pellion, jeune homme aussi carré que ses petites lunettes noires sont rondes, et qui court après le temps, aurait donc parlé trop vite.Rendez-vous à la rentréeRepoussé une première fois à cause des émeutes, le conseil de planification écologique (CPE) aura finalement lieu “plutôt à la fin de l’été, vu l’actualité”, explique désormais le presque quadra, que nous avons rencontré jeudi dernier, dans son deuxième bureau, situé au 58 rue de Varenne, j...

Facebook, Instagram face Norwegian ban from tracking users for ads

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

Facebook, Instagram face Norwegian ban from tracking users for ads Social media giants Facebook and Instagram will soon be temporarily banned in Norway from tracking users online to target them with advertising.The Norwegian Data Protection Authority ordered U.S. technology firm Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, to stop showing users in Norway personalized ads based on their online activity and estimated locations. The ban kicks in from August, according to an order obtained exclusively by POLITICO and sent to Meta on July 14.Meta’s advertising practice on Facebook and Instagram currently involves the “processing of very private and sensitive personal data through highly opaque and intrusive monitoring and profiling operations,” wrote Norway’s Datatilsynet agency.The ban on so-called behavioral advertising will last three months, starting from August 4. Facebook and Instagram will be able to show people customized ads but only based on information given by users in the “about” section of their p...

King: Climate change is here, panic isn’t a fix

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

King: Climate change is here, panic isn’t a fix One of the luxuries of democracy is that we don’t have to listen. Or we can listen and hear what we want to hear.That is the story of the climate crisis, which is here.We have been warned over and over, sometimes as gently as a summer zephyr, and sometimes gustily, as with Al Gore’s tireless campaigning.Now the summer is upon us — with its intimations of worse to come.  And this message rings in our ears: The climate is changing — polar ice caps are melting; the sea level is rising; the oceans are heating up; natural patterns are changing, whether it be for sharks or butterflies; and we are going to have to live with a world that we, in some measure, have thrown out of kilter.The greenhouse effect has been known and argued about for a long time. Starting in 1970, I became aware of it as I started covering energy intensively. I have sat through climate sessions at places like the Aspen Institute, Harvard and MIT, where it was a topic and where the sources of the numbers were discusse...

‘Stephen Curry: Underrated’ doc not just a basketball story

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

‘Stephen Curry: Underrated’ doc not just a basketball story Stephen Curry, the Golden State Warriors’ star player, gets a documentary profile with a heart-wrenching twist in AppleTV+’s “Stephen Curry: Underrated.”Universally acknowledged as a magnificent shooter who ranks among pro basketball’s all-time greatest, Curry, 35, knew he had the guts and the goods way before anyone else (outside of his family) did.“I’ve been making documentaries for many years,” “Underrated” director Peter Nicks (“Home,” “The Force”) began in a Zoom interview. “The more we learned about his story, the more we saw that it’s deeper than just a basketball story.”Nicks saw his doc showered with praise at January’s Sundance Film Festival premiere.“The framework for the story was two-pronged. We knew that it was an origin story about his time at Davidson College, a coming of age saga which ended with the run to the 2008 NCAA Tournament, which I didn’t know too much about.“And then,” Nicks continued, “the present-day storyline was going to be him trying to fu...

5 tips to consider when planning a career change

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

5 tips to consider when planning a career change The economic situation today is challenging, but changing careers is hard even in the best of times. For some, the journey starts with a big step like quitting their job. For others, it can be a series of little steps leading down a new path.Low pay, a lack of opportunities for advancement, and feeling disrespected at work were the top reasons Americans quit their jobs in 2021, the year of the “great resignation,” according to a Pew Research Center survey released last year. Of those who quit, more than half said they changed their field of work or occupation.Whether you’re switching industries or exploring a passion you’ve always had, here are some practical tips from career coaches to make your transition easier.Assess your situationChanging careers looks different if you’re in between jobs versus employed. When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, the idea can feel out of reach, but there are ways to get there. If you’ve just been laid off...

Schoen: Will Gavin Newsom run for president in 2024?

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

Schoen: Will Gavin Newsom run for president in 2024? Gavin Newsom wants to run for president in 2024, that much is clear. The California governor would not be campaigning for President Joe Biden in red states with 16 months until the presidential election if he wasn’t trying to prove his own political bona fides and build a future base of national support for himself.Recently, Newsom traveled to Idaho, where registered Republicans outnumber Democrats by more than four to one, and is reportedly planning to visit other politically similar states, like Montana and Utah. The ostensible purpose of these trips is to tout Biden’s accomplishments and shore up enthusiasm for the Democratic Party, but Newsom’s underlying goal is undoubtedly self-promotion.Newsom’s feud with Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is further evidence of this. Back when DeSantis was considered the frontrunner for his party’s presidential nomination, Newsom smeared him in public speeches and attack ads over his far-right policies on abortion and tra...

Dear Abby: Living to please others makes life unbearable

Published Sat, 05 Oct 2024 14:16:29 GMT

Dear Abby: Living to please others makes life unbearable Dear Abby: I’m a 54-year-old gay man who has spent his life making decisions with everyone else in mind. Every decision, life choice, relationship and career move has been based on how I’m perceived by friends and family.Currently, I’m living with my ex in my home. I’d like to live alone, but I feel responsible for his security. When I think about telling him I want to live separately, I feel like I’m letting him down. If I move, my family then has opinions on where I should live so I will stay in proximity to them. Also, we share dogs and I’m afraid if we split up the pack, I’m letting the dogs down.All of this pressure results in me doing nothing. I have been drinking more to shut out the noise. I have considered giving up alcohol, but that will also disappoint many in my family because they like to drink. Please help me! –Guilty Guy in MichiganDear Guy: If ever I’ve heard from someone who is in need of counseling, it is you &#...